A gentle music class for babies and the grownups who love them!
Our Foundations classes offer a sensory-rich yet caring and gentle environment where infants can explore and react to new sounds, sensations, and objects. Shared activities for babies and caregivers provide the opportunity to strengthen your connection with your child through joyful music-making experiences. In addition, joyful musical play stimulates your baby's physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development and engages their senses.
This Winter, we'll sing and dance through our delightful "Zoom Buggy" unit as you and your baby swoosh, vroom, and clickety-clack your way through this movement-filled unit. As you help your baby develop the building blocks of musical competence, you will both get that special endorphin rush that comes from singing and moving together in a stress-free environment with other babies and those who love them.
Along the way, you’ll get to be in community with other grownups who love babies and music, and you’ll have access to your own, personal child development expert. We can't wait to meet you!
Please note: This class requires active parent participation. Please do not bring non-enrolled siblings to class.
March 10 - May 5
No class 4/7
Mon. 11:15am-12pm

A joyful music class for you and your toddler to sing, dance, play, and move!
Get ready to sing, play, and move with your little one in this high-energy music class designed to be just right for older babies and young toddlers! Level 1 classes offer 1's and 2's a stimulating environment to explore their new movement and language skills with a sense of security, comfort, and confidence. As your child thrives in a music and movement-driven environment, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with other parents and caregivers and learn to use music to create and simplify routines at home. ​​
This winter and spring, we'll enjoy four fun-filled units: "Family All Around Me," "Rain or Shine," "Way Up High," and "Yum!"
Along the way, you’ll get to be in community with other grownups who love babies and music, and you’ll have access to your own, personal child development expert. We can't wait to meet you!
Please note: This class requires active parent participation. Please do not bring non-enrolled siblings to class.
Rollicking, musical fun for older toddlers and preschoolers!
Level 2 classes encourage children to explore their creativity, unleash their energy, and develop important cognitive and social skills through singing, dancing, stories, and instrument play. As your child's singing and dancing partner, you’ll deepen your connection with your child, meet other families, and learn to use music to create & simplify routines at home.
This fall, we'll begin by encouraging your child's sense of humor in "Silly All Over." Then, we'll continue celebrating your wonderful child in "Marvelous Me!" Finally, we'll explore trains, planes, cars, and all the things that go, go, go in our "Go, Go, Go" unit. During these musical adventures, we’ll help your child develop social skills, foster exploration, creativity, and self-awareness, and help them build more positive relationships with you and others.
Along the way, you’ll get to be in community with other grownups who love babies and music, and you’ll have access to your own, personal child development expert. We can't wait to meet you!
Please note: This class requires active caregiver participation. Please do not bring non-enrolled siblings.